Live-Wire in action in a mammogram

[Paper Presentation] Interactive Live-Wire Boundary Extraction

Live-Wire in action in a mammogram

[Paper Presentation] Interactive Live-Wire Boundary Extraction


Barrett et al. propose a graph-based boundary extraction algorithm called Interactive Live-Wire, which is an extension to the original live-wire algorithm presented in Mortensen et al. The algorithm is built upon a reformulation of the segmentation approach into graphs, particularly, an image $I$ is converted to an undirected graph with edges from a pixel $p$ to all it’s neighbouring 8-connected pixels. Each pixel or node is assigned a local cost according to a function (described later). The segmentation task then becomes a problem where there needs to be a shortest path from a pixel $p$ (seed) to another pixel $q$ (free goal point), where the cumulative cost of path is minimum.

Burnaby, BC Canada